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Urban and regional transformations mean changes in structures of all housing and commercial real estates, as well as infrastructure developments, which beyond their interrelationships are in interaction with all local, national, regional and global dynamics of social, economic, political and cultural processes. In our researches we have been focusing on the socio-spatial inequalities these dynamics and transformations also produce: we have dealt with the relationships between gentrification and displacement; the impact of economic restructuring on uneven urban development; and the interplay between migration and urban renewal. In our current research on transport infrastructures we conceive of infrastructure developments not only as means for social integration and economic progress, but we are to show the mechanisms which through the development process may also enforce inequalities, or cause further crises.

public lectures

Industrial workers, the government's crisis management and the trade unions during COVID-19 pandemic [Ipari dolgozók, kormányzati válságkezelés és szakszervezetek a koronavírusválság idején]

March 23, 2022. Czirfusz, Márton. Pápa.

Loss of direction – Neglected workers and the Corona virus as an economic and social problem [Iránytévesztés – Elhanyagolt dolgozók és a koronavírus mint gazdasági és társadalmi probléma]

March 1, 2022. Czirfusz, Márton. Online.

Benchmarking Working Europe 2020 - How does Hungarian labor market ook? [Benchmarking Working Europe 2020 - Hogyan néz ki Magyarország dolgozói arca?]

February 22, 2021. Czirfusz, Márton. Átrium. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

Beyond the ‘China threat’: Chinese investments in Eastern Europe and reorganising global capitalism

October 14, 2021. Szabó, Linda. Online. TNI webinar series.

What is our position in the 8th? [Hol a helyünk a 8-ban?]

October 31, 2018. Czirfusz, Márton. Budapest: Gólya. Free October Festival.

Discussion on gentrification in Budapest

May 26, 2018. Jelinek, Csaba. Budapest. Organized by Klu-Béla Community

Sociological aspects of contemporary urbanism. [A kortárs urbanisztika szociológiai kihívásai]

May 7, 2018. Jelinek, Csaba. Veszprém: Hangvilla.


Urban marginalization and segregation. [Nagyvárosi marginalizáció és szegregáció]

October 24, 2017. Pósfai, Zsuzsanna. Budapest: Eötvös Loránd Science University, Criminology Department.

The dual city and the global processes. [Kettészakadó város a globális folyamatok tükrében]

November 12, 2015. Berki, Márton, Márton Czirfusz, and Csaba Jelinek. Békéscsaba: Hungarian Association of Geographers, Department of Körösvidék.

Dialectic critical urban theory in a gentrifying neighbourhood of Budapest

June 13, 2015. Collective for Critical Urban Research. Thessaloniki: UniConflicts in spaces of crisis. Critical approaches in, against and beyond the University

Introducing a critical approach in Hungary’s urban research and policy

June 12, 2015. Collective for Critical Urban Research. Thessaloniki: UniConflicts in spaces of crisis. Critical approaches in, against and beyond the University

The dual city - Gentrification in Budapest. [A kettészakadó város - dzsentrifikáció Budapesten]

March 17, 2015. Czirfusz, Márton, Vera Horváth, Csaba Jelinek, and Zsuzsanna Pósfai. Budapest: Gólya Community House and Cooperative.

Critical urban studies in Hungary. [Kritikai városkutatás Magyarországon]

April 14, 2014. Bodnár, Judit, Zoltán Gyimesi, Zsófia Ivanics, Csaba Jelinek, and Zsuzsanna Pósfai.  Budapest: Budapest Circle 104.

For whom do they build the creative city? [Kinek épül a kreatív város?]

April 4, 2014. Márton Czirfusz. Budapest: Construma 34. International Exhibition for Construction  Industry

Chinese Retailers in Budapest, with Special Focus on Skála-stores [Kínai vállalkozók Budapesten és a Skála áruházakban]

November 16, 2013. Szabó, Linda. Budapest: Rethinking Spaces of Retail: Skála Metro at Nyugati Square. Failed Architecture Workshop. Organized by the Municipality of Budapest and the Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre

Struct.Zine #3 journal launch event. [Struct.Zine #3 – Lapszámbemutató kerekasztal-beszélgetés]

June 11, 2013. Czirfusz, Márton, and Csaba Jelinek. Budapest: FUGA Architecture Center of Budapest

Integrated Urban Planning in the hierarchy of plans - Hungarian and international examples. [IVS a tervhierarchiában: nemzetközi és hazai tapasztalatok]

November 30, 2009. Czirfusz, Márton. Budapest: Budapest Circle 55.


China’s global capitalism from the ground-up

June 8, 2023. Szabó, Linda. Ljubljana: CHERN - ZRC SAZU. 

Affiliate exchange for Impact

November 15-19, 2022. Szabó, Linda. Barcelona: Electronics Watch.

CHERN Joint Working Group Conference

September 3, 2022. Szabó, Linda. CHERN, Paris. 

Workers in the Hungarian electronics industry [Munkavállalók az elektronikai iparban]

May 31. 2022. Szabó, Linda, and Márton Czirfusz. Budapest. Periféria Center and Electronics Watch. 

Cooperation between civil organizations and municipalities - Our Common City 2.0 Workshop (Együttműködés a civil szerveződések és az önkormányzatok között - Közös Városunk 2.0 műhely)

October 16, 2021. Czirfusz, Márton. Auróra. Közélet Iskolája, Periféria Center.

Collective/critical mapping workshop [Kollektív/kritikai térképezés workshop]

March 05, 2021. Czirfusz, Márton. 

Urban movements in Visegrád countries and in Ukraine: A Way to an Inclusive, Gender Sensitive Participatory Democracy [Városi mozgalmak a visegrádi országokban és Ukrajnában: Egy befogadó szemléletű és genderérzékeny részvételi demokrácia iránytűi?]

October 1-2, 2015. Budapest: Polish Institute and Kossuth Klub. Organized in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Polish Institute


State, capitalism and infrastructure-led development: A multi-scalar analysis of the Belgrade-Budapest railway construction

2023. Szabó L., Jelinek Cs.

In Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 2023 April 11

Chinese "Golden Visa" Migrants in Budapest

2021. Szabó, Linda, F. Beck, and E. Knyihár.

In: Global Dialogue 2021 April 28-29.

Labour's Spatial Fix: State Socialist Hungary in the 1970s

March 2021. Czirfusz, M.

In: Antipode

Creativity and culture in reproducing uneven development across Central and Eastern Europe.

2017. Czirfusz, M.

In: Lux G, Horváth Gy (eds.): The Routledge Handbook to Regional Development in Central and Eastern Europe. London; New York: Routledge, 106-119.


Do we need a re-theorization of global urbanism from Eastern Europe?

2016. Czirfusz, M.

In: International Conference From CONTESTED_CITIES to Global Urban Justice. Madrid: Grupo de Estudios Urbanos y Teoría Social, Paper WPCC-161005. 

Józsefváros dzsentrifikációja és annak káros hatásai a helyi kisebbségekre [Gentrification of Józsefváros and Its Detrimental Effects on Local Minorities].

2015. Szabó, Linda.

In: Minority Rights Group International (ed.) State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2015: Case Studies

Gentrification and Rescaling Urban Governance in Budapest-Józsefváros.

2015. Czirfusz, M., V. Horváth, Cs. Jelinek, Zs. Pósfai, and L. Szabó 

Intersections, 1(4), 55–77. 

Spatial inequalities of public works employment.

2015. Czirfusz, M.

In: Fazekas, K., Varga, J. (eds.):  The Hungarian Labour Market, 2015. Budapest: Institute of Economics, MTA KRTK, 128–143. 


Kritikai városkutatás.

2013. Jelinek, Cs., J. Bodnár, M. Czirfusz, and Z. Gyimesi 

Budapest: L'Harmattan.

Domesticating Neo-Liberalism. Spaces of Economic Practice and Social Reproduction in Post-Socialist Cities. (review)

2012. Czirfusz, M.

Urbs: Magyar Várostörténeti Évkönyv (7): 575-580.

A Társadalomelméleti Kollégium Városműhelye. Kritikai városkutatás Magyarországon.

2012. Jelinek, Cs.

Tér és Társadalom, 26(4): 136–141.

State-Led Gentrification and Relocation in Budapest: Vacating a House in Ferencváros.

2011. Jelinek, Cs.

MA thesis, Central European University.

Régi és új mechanizmusok és ezek hatásai a kelet-közép-európai városközpontok átalakulási folyamataiban.

2010. Földi Zs., and M. Czirfusz

In: Barta Gy, Beluszky P, Földi Zs, Kovács K (eds.): A területi kutatások csomópontjai. Pécs: MTA Regionális Kutatások Központja (MTA RKK), 244-260.

The Phenomena of Displacement and Relocation during the Process of Gentrification in Budapest.

2010. Jelinek, Cs.  

Studia Sociologia, 55(2): 105–116.

Elszalasztott előny a városok pozíciós versenyében? Egy '"Kínai negyed" lehetőségei Budapesten 

2009. Szabó, Linda

Café Babel, 60. 81-91.

Why would we need a 'Chinatown'? : the case of Chinese entrepreneurs in the rust belts of the 8th and 10th districts of Budapest

2009. Szabó, Linda

MA Dissertation, Central European University

Re-industrialization in the World and in Hungary.

2008. Barta, Gy., Czirfusz, M., Kukely, Gy.

European Spatial Research and Policy. (2): 5–26.

Rehabilitating the Brownfield Zones of Budapest.

2006. Barta, Gy., Beluszky, P., Czirfusz, M., Győri, R. Kukely, Gy.

Discussion Papers of the CRS HAS. 51. 


State, capitalism and infrastructure-led development: A multi-scalar analysis of the Belgrade-Budapest railway construction

May 18-19. 2023. Szabó, Linda. Athens: PORTS ERC workshop.

Semi-peripheral infrastructure development during global power shift. China's mixed-economic paradigm for investing in Hungary

November 27, 2022. Szabó, Linda, Gerőcs, Tamás. Budapest: Conference of Non-Captitalist Mixed Economies (Theory, History, Future)

Chinese import/export and urban transformation in Europe

Novembe 12, 2022. Szabó, Linda. San Francisco, online: “Diasporic Futures: Sinophobia, Techno-Political Strife, and the Politics of Care” (30th Anniversary Conference of the founding of the International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas (ISSCO)

Recharging Dependency: Core-Periphery Dynamics in the EU's E-Battery Industrial Policy

October 17, 2022. Czirfusz, Márton and Karas, Dávid. Manchester (online). The new green global division of labour: Emerging geographies of decarbonisation.

Transformationder Arbeit in Budapest nach 1989: die Stadt in der neuen internationalen Arbeitsteilung

October 7, 2022. Czirfusz, Márton. Tübingen. Jahrestagung des idGL: Die Stadt im Wandel. Transformationsprozesse in Südosteuropa seit den 1980er Jahren.

The impact of China’s rise and the ‘infrastructure turn’ on the governance and financing of infrastructure in Hungary

September 14-16, 2022. Szabó, Linda and Tamás Gerőcs. Leipzig. RSA Central and Eastern Europe, Panel Chinese Investments in East Europe’s Infrastructures: A Relational Critical Political Economy Perspective

State, capitalism and infrastructure-led development: a multi-scalar analysis of the Budapest-Belgrade railway construction

June 7-10, 2022. Szabó, Linda and Csaba Jelinek. Dublin. GCEG, Panel Making Space for the “New” State Capitalism

Spatial divisions of labour and political divides in Hungary

December 9, 2021. Czirfusz, Márton. Online: The revenge of the places that don’t matter? Politics of territorial inequalities in comparative perspective (organized by the Center for Advanced Social Research, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration [RANEPA], in cooperation with the North-West Institute of Management RANEPA)

The Hungarian ‘work-based society’ within uneven development

October 9, 2021. Czirfusz, Márton. Online:  #GeoWoche2021

The BRI and Infrastructure Development in Eastern Europe: A Multi-Scalar Analysis of the Budapest-Belgrade Railway Construction

August 24, 2021. Szabó, Linda. Online: ICAS 12, Leveraging Chinese Dreams and Capital: State Power and Dynamics and Subnational Industrial Manouvers - Infrastructure and Connectivity through BRI

The Flow of Chinese Capital into Eastern European Infrastructures: the Case of the Budapest-Belgrade Railway Line

May 20, 2021. Szabó, Linda and Jelinek, Csaba. Online: Thirty Years of Capitalist Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe: Inequalities and Social Resistance

The Flow of Chinese Capital into Eastern European Infrastructures: the Case of the Budapest-Belgrade Railway Line

April 24, 2021. Szabó, Linda and Jelinek, Csaba. Online: Globalising Eastern Europe - New Perspectives on Transregional Entanglements (BASEES-EEGA Annual Conference)

New Roles Chinese Can Play on Budapest Housing Market

November 12-13, 2020. Szabó, Linda, Fanni Beck, and Eszter Knyihár. Paris: 4th CERPE Workshop - Chinese migrations in Europe: between continuity and renewal

Belt and Road Initiative in Eastern Europe: the Case of the Budapest-Belgrade Railway Line

July 18-20, 2020. Szabó, Linda and  Csaba Jelinek. Amsterdam: Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics - State Capitalism  and State-led Development in the 21st Century: China and Beyond 

Changing global conditions of infrastructural and large-scale development projects in Eastern Europe

September 15-19, 2020. Szabó, Linda and Csaba Jelinek. Leipzig: 2nd British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies Regional Conference - EEGA.

The Flow of Chinese Capital into Eastern European Infrastructures: the Case of the Budapest-Belgrade Railway Line

September 2020. Szabó, Linda and Csaba Jelinek. Cluj: International Karl Polányi Society - Thirty Years of Capitalist Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe: Inequalities and Social Resistance

The spatial transformation of gentrification and displacement  in Hungary between 2001 and 2011 [Geographische Prozesse der Gentrifizierung und Verdrängung in Ungarn von 2001 bis 2011]

September 25, 2019. Czirfusz, Márton, István Pósfai, and Zsuzsanna Pósfai. Kiel: Arbeitskreis Geographische Wohnungsmarktforschung

Centering the Periphery: Creative Marginality and Radical Activism in Neoliberal Cities

May 2-3, 2016. Budapest: Gólya. Organized in cooperation with Central European University, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology

Urban political economies of Eastern Europe from a global perspective

Aug 31- Sep 2, 2015. Budapest: Eötvös Loránd Science University. EUGEO Conference: Section P58.

Following transition: Kelet-európai városok átalakulása

November 27, 2010. Budapest: Corvinus University of Budapest

press appearances

Gentrification in the Corvin Quarter [Dzsentrifikáció a Corvin-negyedben]

2020. Zsuzsanna Pósfai, in cooperation with Demnet Foundation, and Zöldpók

Staying silent is a political act, too ['Csendben maradni is politikai tett']

March 12, 2014. Jelinek, Csaba, et al.

+1 - Episode 3_CSI: Budapest.

2014. Czirfusz, Márton, Zsófia Ivanics, Csaba Jelinek, and Zsuzsi Pósfai

Chinese  migrants in Hungary [Kínaiak Magyarországon]

April 17, 2014. Szabó, Linda. Radio Talk - Tilos Rádió: Kovács Ádám Hangpostája 

Vanishing marketplaces - for the sake of the middle class [Megszűnő piacok: A középosztály nevében]

December 13, 2013. Szabó, Linda.

education and training

This Is Not an Atlas, 2019

Subtitling a documentary film on counter-cartography, in co-operation with Kitti Baracsi, Orangotango

Critical Urban Theory course, 2012-

College for Advanced Studies in Social Theory

Economic and Human Geography lectures and seminars, 2008-

Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Economic Geography, Geo-Economy and Sustainable Development

Eötvös Lóránd Science University, Eötvös József Collegium;

Eötvös Lóránd Science University, Department of Social and Economic Geography;

University of Miskolc, Insitute of Geography and Geoinformatics


8ker+me photovoice project in Józsefváros [video]

2010. Pósfai, Zsuzsanna

urban walks

'Towards a Chinatown' [2020]

Szabó, Linda

In case you are interested to participate in this thematic tour, you can sign up here.

We have organized thematic urban walks in Hungarian, English and German for various groups (e.g. architects, university students, high school students) about the history of the Budapest inner city, with special focus on transformations after 1989, about gentrification in various districts of Budapest, about the history of Chinese entrepreneurship and investments in Budapest, about the Infopark office development project, about waterfront urban development projects, and about the transformation of the agglomeration areas of Budapest after 1989.

In 2014 we organized a local history exhibition and community event in Gólya Community House and Cooperative, with the participation of the former guests of the bar and restaurant, as well as neighborhood residents.

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