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Infrastructure developments tend to embody changes of economy and politics happening not only on local, but also on national, regional and global scales. Through studying infrastructure developments Periféria Center aims to explore the dynamics of global capitalist economy as well as geopolitical changes; the current reconfigurations of state-capital nexus; as well as the structural alterations of spatial inequalities. In this sense, the emergence and increasing role of Chinese capital in infrastructure developments on the peripheries of Europe of the last decade accounts for a significant turn from various perspectives and on different scales. In our research we study the impacts of Chinese investments in European infrastructures through the case of a major (re)development project of transport infrastructure in Southern and Eastern Europe, that is following trading routes from Port Piraeus, through Belgrade and Budapest, to Germany, with reference to China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

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State, capitalism and infrastructure-led development: A multi-scalar analysis of the Belgrade-Budapest railway construction

April 2023. Szabó L., Jelinek Cs. Environmental and Planning A.

The impact of China’s rise and the ‘infrastructure turn’ on the governance and financing of infrastructure in Hungary

September 14-16, 2022. Szabó, Linda and Tamás Gerőcs. Leipzig. RSA Central and Eastern Europe, Panel Chinese Investments in East Europe’s Infrastructures: A Relational Critical Political Economy Perspective

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