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Social and spatial inequalities in the world of labour have been increasing in Hungary during the past decades. We investigate these inequalities by embedding their analysis into global processes of capitalist development. Our work also aims at giving voice to the workers and how changing social relations of work affect them. In our research we combine methodologies of economic geography, sociology and anthropology. Additionally, we uncover possible interventions with social partners which would enable decreasing social and spatial inequalities in the world of work.



Foreign workers in Hungary - Key facts and labor market challenges

2024. Bodor, Krisztofer. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Budapest.


Migratory birds: Dehumanization of migrant workers in West Hungary

2024. Jankó Ferenc, Czirfusz Márton, Berki Márton. In: Population Space and Place 35 (5) e2760.​

The Battery Boom in Hungary: Companies of the Value Chain, Outlook for Workers and Trade Unions

2023. Czirfusz, Márton. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Budapest.

Regional risk assessment. The electronics industry in Hungary.

2022. Czirfusz, Márton and Szabó, Linda. Electronics Watch, Amsterdam.

Labour's Spatial Fix: State Socialist Hungary in the 1970s

2021. Czirfusz, Márton. Antipode, Online

Beyond Moral Interpretations of the EU ‘Migration Crisis’: Hungary and the Global Economic Division of Labor

2016. Szabó, Linda and Ágnes Gagyi, Tamás Gerőcs, Márton Szarvas. LeftEast.

Spatial Inequalities of Public Works Employment

2015. Czirfusz, Márton. In: The Hungarian Labour Market 2015. 


How French Are French MNCs in Hungary? A Comparison of Two Service Sector Firms. 

2011. Szabó, Linda and Zentai, Viola. In: Globalizing Employment Relations. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 134-149.

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