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Social and spatial inequalities in the world of labour have been increasing in Hungary during the past decades. We investigate these inequalities by embedding their analysis into global processes of capitalist development. Our work also aims at giving voice to the workers and how changing social relations of work affect them. In our research we combine methodologies of economic geography, sociology and anthropology. Additionally, we uncover possible interventions with social partners which would enable decreasing social and spatial inequalities in the world of work.



The Battery Boom in Hungary: Companies of the Value Chain, Outlook for Workers and Trade Unions

2023. Czirfusz, Márton. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Budapest.

Regional risk assessment. The electronics industry in Hungary.

2022. Czirfusz, Márton and Szabó, Linda. Electronics Watch, Amsterdam.

Beyond Moral Interpretations of the EU ‘Migration Crisis’: Hungary and the Global Economic Division of Labor

2016. Szabó, Linda and Ágnes Gagyi, Tamás Gerőcs, Márton Szarvas. LeftEast.

Public lectures

Working conditions in the electronics industry

April 17-18, 2023. Szabó, Linda. Brno: ENCO meeting.

Industrial workers, the government's crisis management and the trade unions during COVID-19 pandemic [Ipari dolgozók, kormányzati válságkezelés és szakszervezetek a koronavírusválság idején]

March 23, 2022. Czirfusz, Márton. Pápa.

Loss of direction – Neglected workers and the Corona virus as an economic and social problem [Iránytévesztés – Elhanyagolt dolgozók és a koronavírus mint gazdasági és társadalmi probléma]

March 1, 2022. Czirfusz, Márton. Online.

Benchmarking Working Europe 2020 – Where does Hungary stand in the regional comparison?

February 22, 2021. Czirfusz, Márton. Friedrich Ebert Foundation Hungary, Online


Labour's Spatial Fix: State Socialist Hungary in the 1970s

2021. Czirfusz, Márton. Antipode, Online

Spatial Inequalities of Public Works Employment

2015. Czirfusz, Márton. In: The Hungarian Labour Market 2015. 


How French Are French MNCs in Hungary? A Comparison of Two Service Sector Firms. 

2011. Szabó, Linda and Zentai, Viola. In: Globalizing Employment Relations. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 134-149.


Affiliate exchange for Impact

November 15-19, 2022. Szabó, Linda. Barcelona: Electronics Watch.

Workers in the Hungarian electronics industry [Munkavállalók az elektronikai iparban

May 31, 2022. Szabó, Linda and Márton Czirfusz. Budapest. Periféria Center and Electronics Watch. 


Hungary’s alternative low-road model for the integration in the European battery value chain

June 29, 2023. Czirfusz, Márton. Brussel: 2023 International Colloquium of Gerpisa.

Labour geography of the battery value chain in Hungary: Towards a new phase of dependent development?

February 10, 2023. Czirfusz, Márton. Berlin: Arbeitskreis Labour Geography - Annual Meeting 2023.

Recharging Dependency: Core-Periphery Dynamics in the EU's E-Battery Industrial Policy

October 17, 2022. Czirfusz, Márton and Karas, Dávid. Manchester (online). The new green global division of labour: Emerging geographies of decarbonisation.

Transformation der Arbeit in Budapest nach 1989: die Stadt in der neuen internationalen Arbeitsteilung

October 7, 2022. Czirfusz, Márton. Tübingen. Die Stadt im Wandel. Transformationsprozesse in Südosteuropa seit den 1980er Jahren

Spatial divisions of labour and political divides in Hungary

December 9, 2021. Czirfusz, Márton. Online: The revenge of the places that don’t matter? Politics of territorial inequalities in comparative perspective (organized by the Center for Advanced Social Research, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), in cooperation with the North-West Institute of Management RANEPA)

The Hungarian ‘work-based society’ within uneven development

October 9, 2021. Czirfusz, Márton. Online:  #GeoWoche2021

The impact of the pandemic on the spatial structure of employment [A járvány hatása a foglalkoztatás térszerkezetére]

September, 2021. Czirfusz, Márton. Online: Magyar Közgazdasági Társaság 59. Vándorgyűlése.

Labour, financialisation of housing and the rescaling state in Hungarian second-tier cities

July 24, 2018. Czirfusz, Márton and Ágnes Gagyi, Tamás Gerőcs, Csaba Jelinek, Tibor T. Meszmann, Zsuzsanna Pósfai. Fifth Global Conference on Economic Geography, Cologne


Spatiality and the Central and Eastern European workfare state

September 12, 2017. Czirfusz, Márton. Regional Studies Association Central and Eastern Europe Conference, Cluj-Napoca

Press appearances

Hungary's big bet on batteries — and its costs

March 31, 2023. Czirfusz, Márton. Deutsche Welle.  

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