Financial processes play an increasing role in where and how households (and which households) can secure their housing. Our research showed how Hungarian housing processes are interrelated with global financial trends, which socio-spatial inequalities are inherent to housing loans, how household debt is created, as well as which role new institutional actors (such as claims management companies) play in the current housing crisis. Our public policy proposals outline ways to decrease households’ vulnerability to global financial processes. We have presented papers, have taken part in public debates and have produced audiovisual content about the interrelations of finance and housing.
Housing Crisis and Activism: Perspectives from Athens, Budapest, Cape Town and Istanbul
May 14, 2022. Pósfai, Zsuzsanna. Istanbul. MADacademy Meetings
Financialization and horizons for transnational housing organizing after the Berlin referendum
November 6, 2021. Pósfai, Zsuzsanna. Online. ELMO
MOBA Housing Network: Building finance for cooperative housing in Eastern Europe
March 10, 2021. Pósfai, Zsuzsanna. Periferia Center, Center for Solidarity Economy [Szolidáris Gazdaság Központ]
Housing Crisis and Renters' Self-Organization [Lakhatási válság és bérlői önszerveződés]
May 1, 2020. Pósfai, Zsuzsanna. Forum for Trade Union Cooperation [Szakszervezetek Együttműködési Fóruma]
A Response from Housing Cooperatives for Social Care Crisis [A lakásszövetkezetek válasza a gondoskodási válságra]
March 5, 2020. Pósfai, Zsuzsanna. Budapest: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - Equal Care in East-Central Europe.
Building an alternative housing model from scratch in Budapest
November 5, 2018. Jelinek, Csaba. Prague: Akademické konferenční centrum. Organized by the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Housing in Hungary: Debt and Degrowth
June 5, 2019. Czirfusz, Márton. Ljubljana: Citizens for Financial Justice - Let's Talk: Debt Meets Degrowth
Household debt on the peripheries of Europe: new constellations since 2008 [Háztartási adósság az európai perifériákon 2008 után]
November 22-23, 2019. Bródy, Luca and Zsuzsanna Pósfai. Budapest: Gólya Cooperative Bar
The indebtedness of households in Hungary [A háztartások eladósodása Magyarországon]
December 14, 2019. Bródy, Luca and Zsuzsanna Pósfai. Budapest: Gólya Cooperative Bar
2021. Jelinek, Csaba, Zs. Pósfai, Á. Gagyi, and A. Vígvári
In: Mikus, Marek, Rodik, Petra (eds.) (2021) Households and Financialization in Europe: Mapping Variegated Patterns in Semi-Peripheries
Housing situation after the crisis. Financialization, uneven housing policies and households' survival strategies [Lakhatási helyzet a válság után. Financializációs folyamatok, kettészakadó lakáspolitikák és a háztartások túlélési stratégiái
2019. Gagyi, Á., Cs. Jelinek, Zs. Pósfai, and A. Vígvári
Fordulat 26, 199-224.
Financialization and inequalities. The uneven development of the housing market on the eastern periphery of Europe.
2018. Pósfai, Zs., Z. Gál, and E. Nagy
In Fadda, S., Tridico, P. (eds.), Inequality and Uneven Development in the Post-Crisis World. London; New York: Routledge, 167-190.
Reproducing uneven development on the Hungarian housing market.
2018. Pósfai, Zs.
PhD dissertation, University of Szeged.
Crisis and the Reproduction of Core-Periphery Relations on the Hungarian Housing Market.
2017. Pósfai, Zs., and G. Nagy
European Spatial Research and Policy. 24(2), 17-38.
November 5, 2021. Pósfai, Zsuzsanna. Prague, CEFRES: Urban Movements and Local Politics in CEE Countries: Recent Developments and Conceptual Ambivalences
Housing finance beyond individual mortgages - how to finance new forms of affordable housing in Eastern Europe?
September, 2021. Pósfai, Zsuzsanna. Online: ENHR
Dependent housing financialization in Hungary through the case of household debt
May 21, 2021. Czirfusz, Márton and Zsuzsanna Pósfai. Cluj: Thirty Years of Capitalist Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe: Inequalities and Social Resistance
The long wave of dependent housing financialization in Hungary, 1970s-2010s. Financialization and development in the Global South
November 26-28, 2019. Czirfusz, Márton, Csaba Jelinek, Zsuzsanna Pósfai, and Linda Szabó. Buenos Aires: Financialization in the Global South
Seemingly New Directions of Housing Policies after the Financial Crisis
September 27, 2019. Pósfai, Zsuzsanna. Budapest: Metropolitan Research Institute 30 - Urban and Housing Systems Under Pressure: Varieties of Responses
August 28, 2019. Jelinek, Csaba and Zsuzsanna Pósfai. Athens: European Network of Housing Research.
Household debts from housing perspective [Háztartási adósság lakhatási szempontból]
November 19, 2018. Pósfai, Zsuzsanna. Budapest: MAKISZ - National Debt Management Conference and Workshop
The financialization of housing in the semi-periphery
July 20-22, 2018. Budapest: Central European University (CEU). Organized in cooperation with CEU, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology.
Black Box East: Why Is the 2008 Debt and Housing Crisis Still Not Over?
November 15, 2021. Mediapart.
Can profit logic be substituted by mutual assistance in housing? Housing cooperatives in Eastern Europe [Felválthatja a profitelvet a kölcsönös segítség a lakhatásban? Lakásszövetkezetek Kelet-Európában]
March 25, 2021. Mérce.
People pushed towards mortgages without providing relief for many [Lakáshitelbe tolják az embereket, pedig ez sokaknak nem jelent megoldást]
November 21, 2020. G7 podcast
Indebted households [Eladósodó háztartások]
September 3, 2020. Klub Rádió - Bonyolult dolgok
Mounting debts expected after pandemic [A járvány után újra komoly bajok lesznek az adóssággal]
May 29, 2020. Pósfai, Zsuzsanna. index.hu: Where is the money?' [Hol a pénz?] podcast series. Episode #28
Crisis management of the Orban government: debts instead of social support [Orbánék válságkezelése: támogatás helyett adósság]
May 20, 2020. napiPartizán#31
How will housing conditions change after the pandemic? [Hogyan fogunk lakni a járvány után?]
May 15, 2020. Glamour- women's magazine
Loans and debts of households before, during and after the pandemic [Hitel és háztartási adósság járvány előtt, alatt, után]
April 16, 2020. Éva Magazin - women's magazine [Hegedüs, Barbara]
How global financial markets influence your housing costs. [Így befolyásolja a globális pénzpiac, hogy mennyibe kerül a lakhatásod]
April 30, 2018. Pósfai, Zsuzsanna. mérce.hu
Channels and Patterns of Investment in the Hungarian Housing Market
January 30, 2018. Pósfai, Zsuzsanna. Leipzig Institut für Landerkun