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Published by: Periféria Policy and Research Center [1074-H, Budapest, Barát u. 8.]
Legally responsible publisher: Márton Czirfusz
Series editor: Márton Czirfusz
ISSN 2732-0758 [online]
ISSN 2677-1233 [print]


Periféria Working Papers launched in 2020 publishes results of basic and applied research by Periféria Center. The working paper series include research reports and policy recommendations which were not published elsewhere, targeting stakeholders of corporate and policy fields, social movements, and academia. Some issues have print versions, but the prime form of distribution is .pdf files. You can download separate issues from here, and you may also distribute them freely, without commercial use.

bérlői lakásszövetkezeti modell
háztartások eladósodása
Periféria Tanulmányok 5


Affordable rental sector in Budapest? Results of a questionnaire survey [Megfizethető bérlakásszektor Budapesten? Egy kérdőíves felmérés eredményei]

2023. Jelinek, Csaba and Czirfusz, Márton

This booklet is based on 2022 research on the supply and demand side of the affordable rental housing sector in eight Central and South-Eastern European countries. The main objective of the project was to assess how patient or catalytic capital, but primarily market-based, financial resources could finance new affordable housing models in the region. This booklet presents a part of the research: a questionnaire survey mapping the demand side of the affordable rental housing sector. Based on our unique survey, we have analyzed in detail who could be the tenants of an affordable rental housing sector in Budapest.


Polarization on the Hungarian Housing Market. Financing Housing in Dependent Economy [Polarizáció a magyar lakáspiacon. Lakásfinanszírozás függő gazdasági helyzetben]

2020. Pósfai, Zsuzsanna

This volume of Periféria working papers is a research account on the spatial strategies of the Hungarian housing market actors, as it is a summary of Zsuzsanna Pósfai's doctoral theses targeting a broader audience of Hungarian speakers. It particular focuses on issues of housing finances such as housing investments and mortgages as well as of housing mobility - concerning housing transactions and to a certain degree, new housing developments. These fields are where both housing market logics and social issues equally prevail.


Household Debt on the Peripheries of Europe [EN]

2020. Bródy, Luca Sára and Zsuzsanna Pósfai

This English booklet follows the structure of the workshop we organized in November 2019, and discusses the structural similarities of household indebtedness on the peripheries of Europe with many case studies. It can be used as informational document for the wider public or as resources for popular education done by organizations working with issues of housing and / or indebtedness. Our aim with this and the working paper entitled The Indebtedness of Households in Hungary is to make complex processes and structural factors behind indebtedness more transparent and understandable. 


Indebtedness of Households in Hungary [A háztartások eladósodása Magyarországon]

2020. Bródy, Luca Sára and Zsuzsanna  Pósfai

This Hungarian booklet is based on the research we conducted between July - December 2019, and also on input from participants at the December 2019 workshop. We particularly recommend it to agents engaged with indebted households.


Rental Housing Cooperative Model in Hungary [Bérlői lakásszövetkezeti modell Magyarországon]

2020. Jelinek, Csaba and Zsuzsanna Pósfai

In this working paper we provide a summary of our practical experience on the topic. Within the paper we give an overview of the financial, legal, architectural/urbanistic and communal aspects of the potential framework in which the implementation of a rental housing cooperative model in Hungary would be realistic. Besides analyzing inspirational examples from other countries, we also point out how the Hungarian regulatory framework should be modified in order to catalyze the spread of the model. The text introduces various Hungarian actors who have been active in promoting and advocating for rental housing cooperatives in Hungary in recent years.

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